Danish Seed Processing


We are seed specialists!

To know how to clean and grade cereals and seeds requires very wide know-how and experience which Damas Seed Processing has gained through wide international activity and built upon since the foundation of Damas A/S. 

Damas Seed Processing A/S has experience and knowledge in how to clean and grade all available grain, seed, pulses and grass seeds and thereby achieve the highest possible grading standards and highest possible germination standards for seeds intended for sowing.

Likewise, we have the experience and knowledge how to clean and grade seeds, pulses and spices that are intended for edible food for human consumption.

With a combination of leading-edge technology and wide know-how of cleaning in practice Damas Seed Processing A/S can offer large and small projects, tailored to meet the requirements and wishes of our customers.

Damas Seed processing A/S is a spinoff of SKIOLD A/S and Damas A/S.

Damas A/S was established in Denmark in 1863.

Damas A/S actually invented the screen cleaning machine and has ever since then been one of the leading brands within the highest quality seed cleaning and grading machines.

Damas Seed Processing A/S is owned by the management of the company and has tight connections to the SKIOLD Group who is the manufacturer of some of DAMAS key machines.

In Damas Seed Processing A/S we are committed to help our customers to produce high quality solutions related to seed- and food processing.

In Damas Seed Processing A/S we are likewise committed to keep developing the seed knowledge and application know-how to secure that our customers get a maximum return on their investment.

Damas Sigma Cleaner
Damas seed

Damas Seed Processing A/S
is exclusive distributor of